Kumaha jeung Dimana Meuli DAYSTARTER ( DST ) - Guide lengkep

Naon DST ?


DAYSTARTER is a Web3 Lifestyle dApp that improves your lifestyle and helps you instill new habits and reach your goals by focusing on "Wake-Up Routine," which is an essential part of your daily life. DAYSTARTER is the first of many dApps that will be developed and released on Life3's dApp ecosystem platform by METALABS.

DAYSTARTER is a Morning Routine and Habit Coaching Alarm dApp with the primary purpose of guiding people through the start of the day to help them live better, happier, and healthier. Often on other "Play-2-Earn (P2E)" or variations of "Move-2-Earn (M2E)" apps, users only use apps to earn tokens, deviating from the apps' intended purpose and abusing the apps for profits. It means they do not find the apps useful for the intended purposes and do not form an emotional attachment. Eventually, they stop using the apps when the price of the tokens drops, or it gets too difficult or competitive to generate profits. DAYSTARTER is designed to address this issue by creating a sustainable endless cycle of an economy that incentivizes users to continue using it as their daily life companion by forming emotional attachments and a community support system that motivates each other to keep them on their path toward their goals.

DAYSTARTER aims to help accelerate the mainstream adoption of cryptocurrencies by bridging and encompassing traditional non-crypto mobile app users who have not yet adopted cryptos to the crypto space seamlessly through familiar and easy-to-use mobile app design, achievable milestones and incentives.

DAYSTARTER detects and determines users' performance of the required Wake-Up Routine action using various sensors on users' mobile phones. Users will carry out assigned Wake-Up Routines that help them wake up in a good mood and earn DAYSTARTER Point (DSP), its utility token. DSP is used to obtain a new NFT or level it up. Users can request to exchange it into DAYSTARTER Token (DST), the ecosystem governance token, through the daily Token Generation Event (TGE).

What Makes DST Unique?

DAYSTARTER intends to create a transparent and self-sustainable service by combining the dApp ecosystem, Web3, and Metaverses in the rapidly emerging cryptocurrency market.

DAYSTARTER is a decentralized lifestyle coaching application incorporating crypto tokens and NFTs as rewards and incentives, focusing on its intended usage to improve users' lives. The incentives structure based on users' habits and tokenomics plays an essential role in driving their behaviors, keeping current users earning, spending, and consuming in an endless cycle to create their own economy in the long term to instill new habits. Thereby generating transaction fees shared back to the users.

DAYSTARTER is the bridge between the old and the new to bring people over from the old app system to the new dApp blockchain system. People use products and services that are useful, provide benefits, or increase their quality of life. Human nature is universal to want a better, more abundant, and happier life. That's why the market size of the self-development or Life and Personal Coaching industry in 2022 in the US alone is USD 1.4 Billion. They are highly motivated users who want to improve themselves and their life. Yet, the majority of them are not involved with cryptos. The untapped existing market potential that will transition over to crypto is enormous. US annualized life coaching market growth is 3.2% from 2017 to 2022. DAYSTARTER plans to capture them as one of the leading players in the mainstream adoption of cryptocurrencies by admitting traditional non-crypto mobile app users to embrace cryptos painlessly.

DAYSTARTER is simple and free to use to allow easy adoption by the mass. First, not to exclude users in less wealthy countries, DAYSTARTER lowered the barriers to entry into the crypto space by allowing users to download and use DAYSTARTER for free and start earning DST tokens without purchasing an NFT. Other dApps require users to have or purchase an NFT to use their platform (Financial Barrier to Entry for First-Time Users). The enormous smartphone user base in those countries cannot be ignored. They will have an opportunity to grow and improve their lives with the upcoming adoption of new technology. On Web3, global communities are essential. Currently, DAYSTARTER plans to have English, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, and Korean moderators on various social media platforms covering most of the world's population.

Second, DAYSTARTER chose an activity that should be performed daily and that you are already doing anyways. Our dApps help users transform their lifestyles and incentivize new habits and behavior patterns toward their goal of improving their lives (Toward-Motivator). Other traditional lifestyle apps simply annoy users to take action (Pain-Motivator).

DAYSTARTER aspires to overwhelm existing traditional alarm applications in two main ways:

First, a practical biomechanical approach and forming an emotional attachment relationship keep users active and loyal to our dApps as integral companions in users' lives with communities and support groups built around dApps (Higher user retention rate). Others do not approach user retention from an emotional approach and user incentivization from a biomechanical approach. DAYSTARTER has a group mode inherently built-in feature to create and synergize communities. A Rally mode is in development where groups can compete with each other for prizes. Users enjoy it more when they participate together in a group.

Second, Adaptable, harmonious, and symbiotic design (Non-Direct Competition) elements allow DAYSTARTER to grow with various other projects. Other projects are stand-alone projects that compete with one another and do not have a complementary relationship with the more established projects (Direct Competition).

DST is the native governance token that is used for:

  1. DST holders can receive voting power for governance operations through "staking lock" DST Tokens and redistribution of the fees incurred on the ecosystem.
  2. DST is used to purchase Achievement SBT.
  3. DST is used on the Marketplace to trade Membership NFTs, Benefit NFTs, and Giftbox NFTs.
  4. DST is consumed to initialize Benefit NFT attributes reset cost.
  5. Outside of DAYSTARTER dApp, DST can be exchanged to OYL Token (Own Your Life), the governance token of the Life3 ecosystem. This Web3 lifestyle ecosystem platform hosts all other lifestyle dApps to be released in the future by METALABS. Various matters concerning the ecosystem's operation are decided through voting and executed through the DAO.

DST tools include:

DAYSTARTER Creator Kit (DCK): https://docs.daystarter.life/dck Through DCK, even non-experts can easily develop various elements that make up the DAYSTARTER ecosystem. Content creators who contribute through DCK receive the fees from the Marketplace as redistribution when other users purchase the content.

IN-APP Wallet: https://docs.daystarter.life/wallet IN-APP Wallet allows application developers to create streamlined user experiences.

How Many DST Tokens Are There in Circulation?

DAYSTARTER implements a dual-token model with a utility token called DAYSTARTER Point (DSP) and a governance token called DAYSTARTER Token (DST). DSP has an unlimited supply and is the app's currency that is earned from completing Wake-Up Routines. DSP is used to obtain a new NFT or level it up, and Users can request to exchange it into DST through the daily Token Generation Event (TGE). "Wake Up and Earn" distribution of DST is allocated for the TGE where DSP is burned and DST is issued daily.

DST has a total supply of 1,000,000,000 DST and is distributed as follows:

  • Wake Up and Earn: 30%
  • Treasury: 29%
  • Private Sale: 16.5%
  • Pre-Sale: 1% (Completed on Oct 17, 2022)
  • Governance: 10%
  • Team/Advisor/Partner: 8%
  • Marketing: 5.5%

DST Vesting Plan:

  • Private Sale Allocation: 0.825% of the total supply will be released at the time of the first listing on an exchange. Starting 6 months after the first release, the remaining Private Sale allocation will be unlocked every month by 0.66% of the total supply over 24 months.

  • Treasury Allocation: 2.9% of the total supply will be released at the time of the first listing on an exchange then 0.29% of the total supply will be distributed monthly. Treasury allocation is used for irregular events, liquidity supply, or DCK rewards for ecosystem development.

  • Team / Advisor / Partner Allocation: 0.224% of the total supply will be distributed monthly over 36 months for the remaining allocation starting 12 months after the first listing on an exchange.

  • Marketing Allocation: 0.55% of the total supply will be released at the time of the first listing on an exchange, then 0.55% of the total supply will be released once every 4 months for a total of 10 times over 36 months.

  • Wake Up and Earn: Starting 1 month after the DAYSTARTER dApp Open Beta launch, 0.3% of the Total Supply will be distributed monthly. And the distribution will be halved every 3 years.

  • Governance: Starting 6 months after the DAYSTARTER dApp Open Beta launch, 0.15% of the Total Supply will be distributed monthly. And the distribution will be halved every 3 years.

Please see the link for the detailed distribution plan: https://docs.daystarter.life/tokenomics Please see the link for the detailed vesting plan: https://docs.daystarter.life/tokenomics/vesting

Where Can I Buy DAYSTARTER Token (DST)?

DST/USDT trade pair is listed on Bittrex Global.

DST munggaran tiasa didagangkeun dina 26th Oct, 2022 . Cai mibanda total suplai 1,000,000,000 . Nepi ka ayeuna DST gaduh dimodalan pasar USD ${{marketCap} }.Harga ayeuna DST nyaeta ${{price} } sarta rengking {{rank}} on Coinmarketcapsarta nembe surged 79.88 persen dina waktu tulisan.

DST parantos didaptarkeun dina sababaraha séntral crypto, teu sapertos mata uang kripto utama sanés, éta henteu tiasa langsung dipésér ku artos fiats. Sanajan kitu, Anjeun masih bisa kalayan gampang meuli koin ieu ku meuli heula USDT ti mana wae bursa fiat-to-crypto lajeng mindahkeun ka bursa nu nawarkeun dagang koin ieu, dina artikel pituduh ieu kami baris leumpang anjeun ngaliwatan jéntré léngkah meuli DST .

Lengkah 1: Ngadaptar dina Fiat-to-Crypto Exchange

Anjeun kedah mésér heula salah sahiji mata uang kripto utama, dina hal ieu, USDT ( USDT ). Dina artikel ieu kami bakal ngajalanan anjeun dina detil dua bursa fiat-to-crypto anu paling sering dianggo, Uphold.com sareng Coinbase. Duanana bursa gaduh kawijakan fee sorangan sarta fitur sejenna nu urang bakal ngaliwat di jéntré. Disarankeun anjeun nyobian duanana sareng terangkeun anu paling cocog sareng anjeun.


Cocog jeung padagang AS

Pilih Fiat-to-Crypto Exchange pikeun detil:


Janten salah sahiji séntral fiat-to-crypto anu pang populerna sareng merenah, UpHold gaduh kaunggulan ieu:

  • Gampang mésér sareng dagang diantara sababaraha aset, langkung ti 50 sareng masih nambihan
  • Ayeuna langkung ti 7 juta pangguna sadunya
  • Anjeun tiasa nerapkeun kartu Debit UpHold dimana anjeun tiasa nyéépkeun aset crypto dina akun anjeun sapertos kartu debit biasa! (US wungkul tapi bakal di Inggris engké)
  • Gampang ngagunakeun aplikasi mobile dimana anjeun tiasa mundur dana ka bank atanapi bursa altcoin sanés kalayan gampang
  • Henteu aya biaya disumputkeun sareng biaya akun anu sanés
  • Aya pesenan mésér / ngajual kawates pikeun pangguna anu langkung maju
  • Anjeun tiasa sacara gampil nyetél deposit ngulang pikeun Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) upami anjeun badé nahan cryptos jangka panjang.
  • USDT, anu mangrupikeun salah sahiji stablecoins anu didukung USD anu pang populerna (dasarna mangrupikeun crypto anu dirojong ku artos fiat nyata supados aranjeunna kirang volatile sareng tiasa diolah ampir salaku artos fiat anu dipatok) sayogi, ieu langkung saé upami altcoin anu anjeun badé mésér ngan ukur gaduh pasangan dagang USDT dina bursa altcoin janten anjeun henteu kedah ngaliwat konversi mata uang sanés nalika anjeun mésér altcoin.
Témbongkeun Rincian Léngkah ▾

Ketik email anjeun teras klik 'Salajengna'. Pastikeun anjeun nyayogikeun nami asli anjeun salaku UpHold peryogi éta pikeun verifikasi akun sareng identitas. Pilih kecap akses anu kuat supados akun anjeun henteu rentan ka peretas.


Anjeun bakal nampa hiji email konfirmasi. Buka eta teras klik dina link di jerona. Anjeun teras bakal diwajibkeun nyayogikeun nomer sélulér anu sah pikeun nyetél auténtikasi dua faktor (2FA), éta mangrupikeun lapisan tambahan pikeun kaamanan akun anjeun sareng disarankeun pisan yén anjeun tetep ngaktipkeun fitur ieu.


Turutan léngkah salajengna pikeun ngabéréskeun verifikasi idéntitas anjeun. Léngkah-léngkah ieu rada pikasieuneun khususna nalika anjeun ngantosan mésér aset tapi sapertos lembaga keuangan sanés, UpHold diatur di kalolobaan nagara sapertos AS, Inggris sareng EU. Anjeun tiasa nyandak ieu salaku trade-off pikeun ngagunakeun platform anu dipercaya pikeun ngagaleuh crypto munggaran anjeun. Warta anu saé nyaéta yén sadayana anu disebut prosés Know-Your-Customers (KYC) ayeuna otomatis otomatis sareng teu kedah langkung ti 15 menit kanggo réngsé.

Lengkah 2: Mésér USDT nganggo artos fiat


Sakali anjeun réngsé prosés KYC. Anjeun bakal dipenta pikeun nambahkeun hiji metode pamayaran. Di dieu anjeun tiasa milih pikeun masihan kiridit / kartu debit atanapi nganggo transfer bank. Anjeun tiasa ditagihkeun biaya anu langkung ageung gumantung kana perusahaan kartu kiridit anjeun sareng harga anu teu stabil nalika nganggo kartu tapi anjeun ogé bakal mésér instan. Nalika transfer bank bakal langkung mirah tapi langkung laun, gumantung kana nagara tempat anjeun, sababaraha nagara bakal nawiskeun deposit tunai instan kalayan biaya anu murah.


Ayeuna anjeun parantos siap, dina layar 'Transaksi' dina widang 'Ti', pilih mata uang fiat anjeun, teras dina widang 'Ka' pilih USDT , klik sawangan pikeun marios transaksi anjeun sareng klik konfirmasi upami sadayana katingali saé. .. jeung congrats! Anjeun nembé ngagaleuh crypto munggaran anjeun.

Lengkah 3: Mindahkeun USDT ka Altcoin Exchange

Tapi kami henteu acan rengse, saprak DST mangrupa altcoin kami kudu mindahkeun USDT urang ka bursa nu DST bisa traded. Di handap ieu daptar bursa nu nawarkeun dagang DST di sagala rupa pasangan pasar, sirah kana situs web maranéhanana sarta ngadaptarkeun hiji akun.

Saatos réngsé anjeun teras kedah deposit USDT kana bursa tina Tetep . Saatos deposit dikonfirmasi, anjeun tiasa mésér DST tina tampilan bursa.

Market Pair

Lengkah Panungtungan: Simpen DST aman dina dompét hardware

Ledger Nano S

Ledger Nano S

  • Easy to set up and friendly interface
  • Can be used on desktops and laptops
  • Lightweight and Portable
  • Support most blockchains and wide range of (ERC-20/BEP-20) tokens
  • Multiple languages available
  • Built by a well-established company found in 2014 with great chip security
  • Affordable price
Ledger Nano X

Ledger Nano X

  • More powerful secure element chip (ST33) than Ledger Nano S
  • Can be used on desktop or laptop, or even smartphone and tablet through Bluetooth integration
  • Lightweight and Portable with built-in rechargeable battery
  • Larger screen
  • More storage space than Ledger Nano S
  • Support most blockchains and wide range of (ERC-20/BEP-20) tokens
  • Multiple languages available
  • Built by a well-established company found in 2014 with great chip security
  • Affordable price

Upami anjeun ngarencanakeun pikeun ngajaga ("hodl" sakumaha anu diucapkeun ku sababaraha urang, dasarna salah ejaan "tahan" anu dipopulerkeun kana waktosna) DST anjeun kanggo waktos anu lumayan, anjeun panginten hoyong ngajalajah cara ngajaga éta aman, sanaos Binance mangrupikeun salah sahiji bursa cryptocurrency safest aya kungsi hacking insiden jeung dana anu leungit. Kusabab sifat dompét anu aya dina bursa, aranjeunna bakal salawasna online ("Dompet Panas" sapertos anu kami sebut), ku kituna ngungkabkeun sababaraha aspék kerentanan. Cara anu paling aman pikeun nyimpen koin anjeun dugi ka ayeuna nyaéta nempatkeun kana jinis "Dompet Tiis", dimana dompétna ngan ukur gaduh aksés kana blockchain (atanapi ngan saukur "online") nalika anjeun ngirim dana, ngirangan kamungkinan kajadian Hacking. Dompét kertas mangrupikeun jinis dompét tiis gratis, dasarna mangrupikeun pasangan alamat umum sareng pribadi anu didamel offline sareng anjeun bakal nyerat dimana waé, sareng tetep aman. Nanging, éta henteu awét sareng rentan ka sagala rupa bahaya.

Dompét hardware di dieu pasti mangrupikeun pilihan anu langkung saé tina dompet tiis. Biasana mangrupikeun alat anu diaktipkeun USB anu nyimpen inpormasi konci dompét anjeun dina cara anu langkung awét. Éta diwangun ku kaamanan tingkat militér sareng firmware na terus dijaga ku produsénna sahingga aman pisan. Ledger Nano S sareng Ledger Nano X sareng mangrupikeun pilihan anu paling populér dina kategori ieu, dompét ieu hargana sakitar $50 dugi ka $100 gumantung kana fitur anu ditawarkeunana. Upami anjeun gaduh aset anjeun, dompét ieu mangrupikeun investasi anu saé dina pendapat kami.

Patarosan remen naroskeun

Dupi abdi tiasa mésér DST kalawan tunai?

Henteu aya jalan langsung pikeun mésér DST kalayan kontan. Nanging, anjeun tiasa nganggo pasar sapertos LocalBitcoins mun meuli heula USDT , sarta rengse sesa léngkah ku mindahkeun USDT anjeun ka séntral AltCoin masing-masing.

Bitcoins Lokal nyaéta bursa Bitcoin peer-to-peer. Éta mangrupikeun pasar dimana pangguna tiasa ngagaleuh sareng ngajual Bitcoin ka sareng ti silih. Pamaké, anu disebut padagang, nyiptakeun pariwara kalayan harga sareng metode pamayaran anu aranjeunna hoyong nawiskeun. Anjeun tiasa milih mésér ti anu ngajual ti daérah caket dieu dina platform. mangrupikeun tempat anu saé pikeun mésér Bitcoin nalika anjeun henteu mendakan metode pamayaran anu dipikahoyong di tempat sanés. Tapi harga biasana langkung luhur dina platform ieu sareng anjeun kedah ngalakukeun karajinan anu leres pikeun nyegah scammed.

Naha aya cara gancang pikeun ngagaleuh DST di Éropa?

Leres, kanyataanna, Éropa mangrupikeun salah sahiji tempat anu paling gampang pikeun mésér cryptos sacara umum. Malah aya bank online anu anjeun ngan saukur tiasa muka rekening sareng nransferkeun artos ka bursa sapertos Coinbase sareng Uphold.

Naha aya platform alternatif pikeun mésér DST atanapi Bitcoin nganggo kartu kiridit?

Sumuhun. ogé mangrupikeun platform anu gampang pisan dianggo pikeun mésér Bitcoin nganggo kartu kiridit. Ieu mangrupikeun bursa cryptocurrency instan anu ngamungkinkeun anjeun tukeur crypto gancang sareng ngagaleuhna nganggo kartu bank. Antarbeungeut panggunana gampang pisan dianggo sareng léngkah-léngkah pameseran cukup jelas.

Baca langkung seueur ngeunaan dasar DAYSTARTER sareng harga ayeuna di dieu.

Warta panganyarna pikeun DST

After party 현장 모습👀 발디딜틈 없었던 그날의 뜨거운 열기 속으로🔥 $DST #daystarter #life3 #WOWSummitHK #afterparty #web3 #NFT https://t.co/cdhOjFsyPO
@Daystarter_Life 가 개최한 After Party🎉 파티에서 데이스타터 팀은 어떤 분들을 만났을까요? 수제 맥주로 유명한 펍과 이벤트까지 그 생생한 현장 후기가 궁금하다면?👀 👉… https://t.co/814lkQYhHN
It's alright 우리 앱으로 가자🕺 데이스타터 앱이 런칭되면 테스터로 참여 가능한 초대장이 #WOWSummitHK 에 있다구요?👀 내일까지 여러분들을 기다리고 있습니다🔥 얼른 오셔서 Invitat… https://t.co/YRii6H4yXz
🔥최초 공개 @Daystarter_Life Dapp🔥 홍콩에서 열린 와우써밋 #WOWSummitHK 에서 공개된 데이스타터의 앱과 귀여운 데이모(DEIMO)의 모습을 만나보세요😎 $dst… https://t.co/TPLiVqo68n
@Daystarter_Life 의 #WOWSummitHK 참가소식😎 데이스타터에서 새롭게 공개한 데이모(DEIMO)의 귀여움에 흠뻑 빠진 사람들의 이야기, 그리고 Dapp 첫 공개와 함께 성공적인 피칭소식… https://t.co/aQY4eQhhlw