Kumaha jeung Dimana Meuli PIVX ( PIVX ) - Guide lengkep

Naon PIVX ?

What Is PIVX (PIVX)?

Protected Instant Verified Transaction (or eXchange) (PIVX), launched January 30th, 2016, is a decentralized, MIT licensed open-source, fair-launch blockchain/cryptocurrency project managed, developed, governed, and stewarded by a community driven decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). It has been designed, engineered, and tested using advanced cryptography protocols to provide, first and foremost, user Financial Data Protection.  PIVX is Financial Data Protection.

While PIVX is based on Bitcoin's codebase fundamentally, it has undergone significant custom developments and integrations. PIVX uses a Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus protocol with its native cryptocurrency, denominated as "PIV". PIVX in many ways has continued to pioneer the Proof of Stake consensus algorithm. PIVX's advanced PoS is enriched with the Time Protocol v2 as well as the Cold Staking functionality which ensures higher security for coin owners and possibility to secure the network and receive staking rewards while coins are being cold stored offline on a hardware wallet.

The PIVX user's financial data protection is secured through a highly customized, open-source implementation of the vetted academic anonymity protocol zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive argument of knowledge (zk-SNARKs) Sapling. All of the user's transactional activities are protected by this protocol, called SHIELD.

PIVX is also fully compliant with the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing (AML/CFT) requirements governed by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). These regulatory bodies maintain regulation and laws concerning the use, transmission, and legality of digital assets and the associated data required to use them.

PIVX integrates other features including a 2nd layer of functionality through a Masternode network that provides a decentralized governance mechanism of voting; and is currently developing new features for this layer such as the Deterministic Masternode Lists, Long Living Masternode Quorums (LLMQs) and more, as well as including the addition of the anonymity protocol zk-SNARKs Sapling to staking and masternodes---all of these heavily customised.

All the PIVX supply occurs as a direct result of a static/fixed block emission rate plus any monthly budget allocation payouts. PIVX also has a dynamically calibrated coin-supply restrained by burning 100% of the transaction fees on the network. PIVX is an independent, application and payment agnostic blockchain. PIVX uses its native cryptocurrency (PIV) as both a means of rights-preserving, privacy enabling, near instant digital currency exchange as well as the reward for those who help secure, build, decentralize, and govern the PIVX network protocol. PIV is purchased and/or obtained to be held or staked (hot or cold) or locked in masternodes by individuals who want to participate in the network.

The monetary policy of PIVX is designed to enable a sustainable infrastructure service capable of supporting scalable, decentralized, and resilient node infrastructure, allowing for instant, private transactions globally, without astronomical Quantitative Easing (QE) and the corresponding resulting devaluation of the native coin, as experienced in other cryptocurrency endeavors.

PIVX as a DAO utilizes a decentralized network of masternodes that allow running various apps and services, treasury management, and community governance. PIVX has a built-in governance mechanism which allows masternode owners to vote for or against any submitted proposal.

What Makes PIVX Unique?

PIVX is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that is self-funded and community-driven.

PIVX has the ability to perpetually self-fund development and other PIVX network supporting activities through monthly treasury payouts, which are based on successfully voted community proposals.

PIVX burns 100% of all transaction fees.

PIVX is a pioneer in Proof of Stake Privacy/User Data Protection.  It only requires 1 PIV to stake.

PIVX Utilizes a Tier Two layer to it's network, deploying masternodes to help participate in the governance. Running a masternode requires 10,000 PIV.

PIVX lays claim to numerous cryptocurrency and blockchain firsts, including:

  • First Proof of Stake project with Masternodes 

  • First Proof of Stake project with Blockchain based governance 

  • First Proof of Stake project with blockchain based community self-sustainable funding 

  • First Proof of Stake coin to Control Inflation by burning all the transaction fees

  • First Proof of Stake project to implement the Zerocoin protocol 

  • First Crypto project to have its main website natively translated to 30+ languages

  • First Proof of Stake project to implement private staking

  • The first-ever successful implementation of zk-SNARKs based Sapling privacy protocol on Proof of Stake blockchain

PIVX Origins and Founders

PIVX was announced on bitcointalk.org on November 25th, 2015. On January 30th, 2016 at 04:10:07 UTC  the first block of the PIVX network was created.

While the initial idealization of PIVX was originated by three individuals (Coin-Server, s3v3nh4cks, and Stakebox), the development and direction of the project remained stewarded and directed by the community. That being said, none of the initial founders have been active since late 2018.

The development since 2018 has been spearheaded by three core blockchain developers (Fuzzbawls, Furzy, and Random.Zebra) with over 20 years of combined blockchain development.  Their combined efforts has continuously placed PIVX in the top 10 most actively developed blockchain projects according to messari and cryptomiso.  The rest of the PIVX ecosystem ranging from marketing, web development, business development, and social media has been actively overseen by other members of the community, many of whom have been involved since PIVX's inception.

How Many PIVX Coins Are In Circulation?

PIVX creates a new block every 60 seconds. Each of these blocks create 5 new PIV, and allocates 1 new PIV.  What does 'allocate' mean? To understand that, the PIVX governance model needs to be understood.

The PIVX governance model is a system that allows for funding to be generated for community proposals.  Proposals are submitted to the system by the community, and they are voted on once a month. Those proposals that "pass" are issued the funds they have requested.  This fund issuance occurs in a "Super Block", which occurs every 30 days.  The available funds for each Super Block equals the number of blocks since the last Super Block, times the number of PIV allocated for the Super Block from each block.   The math here is fairly simple, especially since this is where the one 'allocated' PIV comes into play.  One PIV per block, and one block every minute, for 24 hours for 30 days works out to be 30 days x 24 hours a day x 60 minutes per hour x 1 PIV per block.  30x24x60x1 = 43,200 PIV allocated to the Treasury per Super Block.  This forms the "budget" available for the proposals.

It is possible that exactly 43,200 PIV can fund passing proposals, with nothing remaining. But, this is rare.

Most of the time, a very high percentage (Usually 95% or more) of the allocated 43,200 PIV is created to fund proposals. As such, it is reasonable  to estimate inflation to be based on 6 PIV per block being created. However, it is important to realize this is not exact. It is also important to realize that the PIV for Treasury funds is created at the Super Block, whereas the other 5 PIV is created with each standard block.

Reward Distribution

  • 2 PIV per block is created and paid to the staker that wrote the block.

  • 3 PIV per block is created and paid to the next masternode in the payment queue.

  • 1 PIV per block is allocated to the Treasury Budget and [may be] created with the Super Block and paid to a funded proposal.

Maximum Coin Supply 

The numbers below represent the theoretical maximum coin supply. The actual number will be determinant upon transaction fee burning and allocated  PIV not required, of the maximum possible monthly budget generation. As a result of these factors, the actual number will most likely be less than these theoretical maximums.

By June 2040: 125,929,497 PIV 

By June 2060: 189,001,497 PIV

PIVX munggaran tiasa didagangkeun dina 13th Feb, 2016 . Cai mibanda total suplai 78,069,580.64,440,826 . Nepi ka ayeuna PIVX gaduh dimodalan pasar USD ${{marketCap} }.Harga ayeuna PIVX nyaeta ${{price} } sarta rengking {{rank}} on Coinmarketcapsarta nembe surged 24.26 persen dina waktu tulisan.

PIVX parantos didaptarkeun dina sababaraha séntral crypto, teu sapertos mata uang kripto utama sanés, éta henteu tiasa langsung dipésér ku artos fiats. Sanajan kitu, Anjeun masih bisa kalayan gampang meuli koin ieu ku meuli heula Bitcoin ti mana wae bursa fiat-to-crypto lajeng mindahkeun ka bursa nu nawarkeun dagang koin ieu, dina artikel pituduh ieu kami baris leumpang anjeun ngaliwatan jéntré léngkah meuli PIVX .

Lengkah 1: Ngadaptar dina Fiat-to-Crypto Exchange

Anjeun kedah mésér heula salah sahiji mata uang kripto utama, dina hal ieu, Bitcoin ( BTC ). Dina artikel ieu kami bakal ngajalanan anjeun dina detil dua bursa fiat-to-crypto anu paling sering dianggo, Uphold.com sareng Coinbase. Duanana bursa gaduh kawijakan fee sorangan sarta fitur sejenna nu urang bakal ngaliwat di jéntré. Disarankeun anjeun nyobian duanana sareng terangkeun anu paling cocog sareng anjeun.


Cocog jeung padagang AS

Pilih Fiat-to-Crypto Exchange pikeun detil:


Janten salah sahiji séntral fiat-to-crypto anu pang populerna sareng merenah, UpHold gaduh kaunggulan ieu:

  • Gampang mésér sareng dagang diantara sababaraha aset, langkung ti 50 sareng masih nambihan
  • Ayeuna langkung ti 7 juta pangguna sadunya
  • Anjeun tiasa nerapkeun kartu Debit UpHold dimana anjeun tiasa nyéépkeun aset crypto dina akun anjeun sapertos kartu debit biasa! (US wungkul tapi bakal di Inggris engké)
  • Gampang ngagunakeun aplikasi mobile dimana anjeun tiasa mundur dana ka bank atanapi bursa altcoin sanés kalayan gampang
  • Henteu aya biaya disumputkeun sareng biaya akun anu sanés
  • Aya pesenan mésér / ngajual kawates pikeun pangguna anu langkung maju
  • Anjeun tiasa sacara gampil nyetél deposit ngulang pikeun Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) upami anjeun badé nahan cryptos jangka panjang.
  • USDT, anu mangrupikeun salah sahiji stablecoins anu didukung USD anu pang populerna (dasarna mangrupikeun crypto anu dirojong ku artos fiat nyata supados aranjeunna kirang volatile sareng tiasa diolah ampir salaku artos fiat anu dipatok) sayogi, ieu langkung saé upami altcoin anu anjeun badé mésér ngan ukur gaduh pasangan dagang USDT dina bursa altcoin janten anjeun henteu kedah ngaliwat konversi mata uang sanés nalika anjeun mésér altcoin.
Témbongkeun Rincian Léngkah ▾

Ketik email anjeun teras klik 'Salajengna'. Pastikeun anjeun nyayogikeun nami asli anjeun salaku UpHold peryogi éta pikeun verifikasi akun sareng identitas. Pilih kecap akses anu kuat supados akun anjeun henteu rentan ka peretas.


Anjeun bakal nampa hiji email konfirmasi. Buka eta teras klik dina link di jerona. Anjeun teras bakal diwajibkeun nyayogikeun nomer sélulér anu sah pikeun nyetél auténtikasi dua faktor (2FA), éta mangrupikeun lapisan tambahan pikeun kaamanan akun anjeun sareng disarankeun pisan yén anjeun tetep ngaktipkeun fitur ieu.


Turutan léngkah salajengna pikeun ngabéréskeun verifikasi idéntitas anjeun. Léngkah-léngkah ieu rada pikasieuneun khususna nalika anjeun ngantosan mésér aset tapi sapertos lembaga keuangan sanés, UpHold diatur di kalolobaan nagara sapertos AS, Inggris sareng EU. Anjeun tiasa nyandak ieu salaku trade-off pikeun ngagunakeun platform anu dipercaya pikeun ngagaleuh crypto munggaran anjeun. Warta anu saé nyaéta yén sadayana anu disebut prosés Know-Your-Customers (KYC) ayeuna otomatis otomatis sareng teu kedah langkung ti 15 menit kanggo réngsé.

Lengkah 2: Mésér BTC nganggo artos fiat


Sakali anjeun réngsé prosés KYC. Anjeun bakal dipenta pikeun nambahkeun hiji metode pamayaran. Di dieu anjeun tiasa milih pikeun masihan kiridit / kartu debit atanapi nganggo transfer bank. Anjeun tiasa ditagihkeun biaya anu langkung ageung gumantung kana perusahaan kartu kiridit anjeun sareng harga anu teu stabil nalika nganggo kartu tapi anjeun ogé bakal mésér instan. Nalika transfer bank bakal langkung mirah tapi langkung laun, gumantung kana nagara tempat anjeun, sababaraha nagara bakal nawiskeun deposit tunai instan kalayan biaya anu murah.


Ayeuna anjeun parantos siap, dina layar 'Transaksi' dina widang 'Ti', pilih mata uang fiat anjeun, teras dina widang 'Ka' pilih Bitcoin , klik sawangan pikeun marios transaksi anjeun sareng klik konfirmasi upami sadayana katingali saé. .. jeung congrats! Anjeun nembé ngagaleuh crypto munggaran anjeun.

Lengkah 3: Mindahkeun BTC ka Altcoin Exchange


Tapi kami henteu acan rengse, saprak PIVX mangrupa altcoin kami kudu mindahkeun BTC kami ka bursa nu PIVX bisa traded, didieu urang bakal make Binance salaku bursa urang. Binance nyaéta bursa populér pikeun dagang altcoins sarta ngabogaan sajumlah badag pasangan altcoins tradable. Anggo tautan di handap pikeun ngadaptar akun énggal anjeun.

Binance mangrupikeun bursa cryptocurrency populér anu dimimitian di Cina tapi teras ngalihkeun markasna ka Pulo Malta anu ramah crypto di EU. Binance kasohor pikeun jasa pertukaran crypto kana crypto. Binance ngabeledug kana pamandangan dina mania taun 2017 sareng parantos teras janten bursa crypto paling luhur di dunya. Hanjakalna, Binance henteu ngijinkeun investor AS ku kituna kami nyarankeun anjeun ngadaptarkeun bursa sanés anu kami nyarankeun dina halaman ieu.


Saatos ngaliwat prosés anu sami sapertos anu urang laksanakeun sateuacanna sareng Tetep , anjeun bakal disarankan pikeun nyetél auténtikasi 2FA ogé, réngsé sabab éta nambihan kaamanan tambahan kana akun anjeun.

Lengkah 4: Deposit BTC pikeun tukeur


Gumantung kana kawijakan bursa Anjeun bisa jadi diperlukeun ngaliwatan prosés KYC sejen, ieu biasana kudu mawa anjeun ti 30 menit nepi ka kamungkinan sababaraha poé maksimum. Padahal prosésna kudu lempeng-hareup jeung gampang nuturkeun. Sakali anjeun parantos réngsé, anjeun kedah gaduh aksés pinuh kana dompét bursa anjeun.


Upami ieu pertama kalina anjeun ngadamel deposit crypto, layar di dieu sigana rada pikasieuneun. Tapi tong hariwang, éta dasarna langkung gampang tibatan transfer bank. Dina kotak di beulah katuhu, anjeun bakal ningali senar nomer acak anu nyarios ' BTC alamat', ieu mangrupikeun alamat umum unik tina dompét BTC anjeun dina Binance sareng anjeun tiasa nampi BTC kalayan masihan alamat ieu ka jalma anu ngirim dana ka anjeun. . Kusabab urang ayeuna nransper BTC on Tetep urang saméméhna meuli ka dompét ieu, klik dina 'Salin Alamat' atawa-klik katuhu dina alamat lengkep tur klik nyalin pikeun grab alamat ieu ka clipboard Anjeun.

Ayeuna balik deui ka UpHold, angkat ka layar Transaksi teras klik BTC dina widang "Ti", pilih jumlah anu anjeun hoyong kirimkeun sareng dina widang "Ka" pilih BTC dina "Jaringan Crypto", teras klik "Tilik mundur" .

Dina layar salajengna, tempelkeun alamat dompét tina clipboard anjeun, pikeun tinimbangan kaamanan anjeun kedah salawasna pariksa naha duanana alamat cocog. Perlu dipikanyaho yén aya malware komputer tangtu anu bakal ngarobih eusi dina clipboard anjeun kana alamat dompét anu sanés sareng anjeun dina dasarna bakal ngirim dana ka jalma sanés.

Saatos reviewing, klik 'Konfirmasi' pikeun lumangsungna, Anjeun kudu nampa hiji email konfirmasi instan, klik dina link konfirmasi dina email jeung koin anjeun dina jalan ka Binance !


Ayeuna balik deui ka Binance sareng angkat ka dompét bursa anjeun, tong hariwang upami anjeun teu acan ningali deposit anjeun di dieu. Panginten masih diverifikasi dina jaringan blockchain sareng peryogi sababaraha menit kanggo koin anjeun dugi. Gumantung kana kaayaan patalimarga jaringan tina Bitcoin jaringan, dina mangsa sibuk eta bisa jadi leuwih lila.

Anjeun kedah nampi béwara konfirmasi ti Binance saatos BTC anjeun parantos sumping. Sareng anjeun ayeuna tungtungna siap mésér PIVX !

Lengkah 5: Dagang PIVX


Balik deui ka Binance , teras angkat ka 'Exchange'. Boom! Naon pintonan! Angka-angka anu terus nyintreuk tiasa rada pikasieuneun, tapi santai, hayu urang parios ieu.


Dina kolom katuhu aya bar teang, ayeuna pastikeun " BTC " dipilih salaku urang dagang BTC kana pasangan altcoin. Pencét éta sareng ngetik " PIVX ", anjeun kedah ningali PIVX / BTC , pilih pasangan éta sareng anjeun kedah ningali bagan harga PIVX / BTC di tengah halaman.

Di handap ieu aya kotak kalayan tombol héjo nu nyebutkeun "Beuli PIVX ", di jero kotak, pilih tab "Pasar" di dieu sakumaha anu mangrupa tipe paling lempeng-hareup pesenan dibeuli. Anjeun tiasa boh ngetik dina jumlah Anjeun atawa milih naon porsi Anjeun BTC deposit Anjeun hoyong méakkeun dina meuli, ku ngaklik dina tombol persentase. Lamun anjeun geus dikonfirmasi sagalana, klik "Beuli PIVX ". Voila! Anjeun tungtungna mésér PIVX !

Lengkah Panungtungan: Simpen PIVX aman dina dompét hardware

Ledger Nano S

Ledger Nano S

  • Easy to set up and friendly interface
  • Can be used on desktops and laptops
  • Lightweight and Portable
  • Support most blockchains and wide range of (ERC-20/BEP-20) tokens
  • Multiple languages available
  • Built by a well-established company found in 2014 with great chip security
  • Affordable price
Ledger Nano X

Ledger Nano X

  • More powerful secure element chip (ST33) than Ledger Nano S
  • Can be used on desktop or laptop, or even smartphone and tablet through Bluetooth integration
  • Lightweight and Portable with built-in rechargeable battery
  • Larger screen
  • More storage space than Ledger Nano S
  • Support most blockchains and wide range of (ERC-20/BEP-20) tokens
  • Multiple languages available
  • Built by a well-established company found in 2014 with great chip security
  • Affordable price

Upami anjeun ngarencanakeun pikeun ngajaga ("hodl" sakumaha anu diucapkeun ku sababaraha urang, dasarna salah ejaan "tahan" anu dipopulerkeun kana waktosna) PIVX anjeun kanggo waktos anu lumayan, anjeun panginten hoyong ngajalajah cara ngajaga éta aman, sanaos Binance mangrupikeun salah sahiji bursa cryptocurrency safest aya kungsi hacking insiden jeung dana anu leungit. Kusabab sifat dompét anu aya dina bursa, aranjeunna bakal salawasna online ("Dompet Panas" sapertos anu kami sebut), ku kituna ngungkabkeun sababaraha aspék kerentanan. Cara anu paling aman pikeun nyimpen koin anjeun dugi ka ayeuna nyaéta nempatkeun kana jinis "Dompet Tiis", dimana dompétna ngan ukur gaduh aksés kana blockchain (atanapi ngan saukur "online") nalika anjeun ngirim dana, ngirangan kamungkinan kajadian Hacking. Dompét kertas mangrupikeun jinis dompét tiis gratis, dasarna mangrupikeun pasangan alamat umum sareng pribadi anu didamel offline sareng anjeun bakal nyerat dimana waé, sareng tetep aman. Nanging, éta henteu awét sareng rentan ka sagala rupa bahaya.

Dompét hardware di dieu pasti mangrupikeun pilihan anu langkung saé tina dompet tiis. Biasana mangrupikeun alat anu diaktipkeun USB anu nyimpen inpormasi konci dompét anjeun dina cara anu langkung awét. Éta diwangun ku kaamanan tingkat militér sareng firmware na terus dijaga ku produsénna sahingga aman pisan. Ledger Nano S sareng Ledger Nano X sareng mangrupikeun pilihan anu paling populér dina kategori ieu, dompét ieu hargana sakitar $50 dugi ka $100 gumantung kana fitur anu ditawarkeunana. Upami anjeun gaduh aset anjeun, dompét ieu mangrupikeun investasi anu saé dina pendapat kami.

Patarosan remen naroskeun

Dupi abdi tiasa mésér PIVX kalawan tunai?

Henteu aya jalan langsung pikeun mésér PIVX kalayan kontan. Nanging, anjeun tiasa nganggo pasar sapertos LocalBitcoins mun meuli heula BTC , sarta rengse sesa léngkah ku mindahkeun BTC anjeun ka séntral AltCoin masing-masing.

Bitcoins Lokal nyaéta bursa Bitcoin peer-to-peer. Éta mangrupikeun pasar dimana pangguna tiasa ngagaleuh sareng ngajual Bitcoin ka sareng ti silih. Pamaké, anu disebut padagang, nyiptakeun pariwara kalayan harga sareng metode pamayaran anu aranjeunna hoyong nawiskeun. Anjeun tiasa milih mésér ti anu ngajual ti daérah caket dieu dina platform. mangrupikeun tempat anu saé pikeun mésér Bitcoin nalika anjeun henteu mendakan metode pamayaran anu dipikahoyong di tempat sanés. Tapi harga biasana langkung luhur dina platform ieu sareng anjeun kedah ngalakukeun karajinan anu leres pikeun nyegah scammed.

Naha aya cara gancang pikeun ngagaleuh PIVX di Éropa?

Leres, kanyataanna, Éropa mangrupikeun salah sahiji tempat anu paling gampang pikeun mésér cryptos sacara umum. Malah aya bank online anu anjeun ngan saukur tiasa muka rekening sareng nransferkeun artos ka bursa sapertos Coinbase sareng Uphold.

Naha aya platform alternatif pikeun mésér PIVX atanapi Bitcoin nganggo kartu kiridit?

Sumuhun. ogé mangrupikeun platform anu gampang pisan dianggo pikeun mésér Bitcoin nganggo kartu kiridit. Ieu mangrupikeun bursa cryptocurrency instan anu ngamungkinkeun anjeun tukeur crypto gancang sareng ngagaleuhna nganggo kartu bank. Antarbeungeut panggunana gampang pisan dianggo sareng léngkah-léngkah pameseran cukup jelas.

Baca langkung seueur ngeunaan dasar PIVX sareng harga ayeuna di dieu.