Kumaha jeung Dimana Meuli Versailles Heroes ( VRH ) - Guide lengkep

Naon VRH ?

VRH – Versailles Heroes


VRH (Versailles Heroes) is a DAO (DeFi) financial infrastructure on the Ethereum chain, aiming to build a fast-growing TVL financial environment for DeFi investment. VRH tokens are issued through ERC-20 contracts and by utilizing the DAO protocol to achieve an open, transparent, and fair governance. In addition, it is committed to promoting the ecological development of DeFi and blockchain games. Investors can lock up VRH for 1, 2, 3, and 4 years to obtain veVRH. veVRH can be used to vote on network proposals and can also be used by investors to create a guild or join a guild for mining. To participate in the internal competition of the guild, investors can burn game token (MOH) in exchange for GAS, which can accelerate the weight of their individual mining by up to 2.5 times. In this way, a competitive environment that promotes the growth of market value is established, and investors who participate in the competition by using GAS acceleration can obtain higher returns.

Blockchain Application

Dao Governance Protocol

DAO is created through Ethereum smart contracts, and any decision in the network will be made through DAO proposals. It is community driven and leads product development and code iteration.

NFT – Non-Fungible Token

Versailles Heroes NFTs are issued on Ethereum ERC-721 contracts, which grants digital ownership of game items to individuals. It constructs a play-to-earn economic system which enables users to receive token rewards and trade in a secure digital environment.

DUO Token Economic Model

Different from traditional LP mining, VRH builds an ecosystem of child and parent tokens. MOH, the game token is generated by participating in the game. VRH, as the parent token, is mint through DAO mining, while MOH is used as GAS to accelerate the mining output.

Development History

The economic model of Versailles Heroes was inspired by Curve. The core team conducted mathematical reasoning on the Curve economic model in Q2 2021 and began to formulate plans in the same quarter to actively explore the combination of DeFi and games, establish economic models, and position the game theme as a light sci-fi theme. In Q3 2021, the worldview of the game origin is confirmed, and the NFT heroes are designed. In Q4 2021, the team started to develope the game and establish the play-to-earn system. In Q1 2022, the Versailles Heroes technical team began to build the DAO ecosystem and develop multiple smart contracts. The project white paper was released in the third quarter of 2022. In the upcoming fourth quarter of 2022, three rounds of IDO and DAO governance protocol will be released.

VRH Inflation

The initial supply of VRH is 2.424 billion, of which 70% are mint by the veVRH guild. The token supply is controlled according to the mechanism of segment decay. The inflation of mining output decreases by 2^{1/4} every year. And the remaining 30%, which is 727.2 million VRH, are for the core team, foundation, investors, IDO, Grants & Bug Bounties, and airdrops, etc. This portion is locked through contracts and released linearly.

The initial supply of 727.2 million VRH tokens is distributed as follows:

  •  33.3% to Core team vesting in 30yrs
  •  23.3% to Foundation vesting in 35yrs
  •  23.3% to Investors vesting in 35yrs
  •  10.0% to IDO
  •  10.0% to Grants & Bug Bounties
  •  0.1% to Airdrop

Governance, Voting and Mining


The Community DAO (or just “the DAO”) governs the day-to-day operation of the protocol.

 Voting is based on a user's holding of "Vote Escrowed VRH" (veVRH). veVRH is obtained by locking VRH for up to 4 years, with 1 veVRH equal to 1 VRH locked for 4 years. As the lock time decreases, an account's veVRH balance decreases linearly as the time remaining until unlock decreases. veVRH is non-transferrable.  An account must have a minimum balance of 2500 veVRH to make a DAO vote. Each vote lasts for one week. Votes cannot be executed until the entire week has passed.

The DAO has ownership of two admin accounts:

 The ownership admin controls most functionality within the protocol. Performing an action via the ownership admin requires a 30% quorum with 51% support.  The create guild admin controls only create guild function within the protocol. Performing an action via the create guild admin requires at least 1 million votes with 51% support.

However, the create guild admin is controlled by ownership admin. It means create guild App in Aragon VRH DAO is protected by ownership DAO.


veVRH is acquired by locking VRH and can be used to create a guild or join a guild. The DAO guild is the main body of revenue in the game. Guilds are created through decentralized DAO proposals. To create a guild, the creator must own at least 100,000 veVRH and his/her proposal must reach at least 1 million veVRH participation with an approval rate of 51% or higher. Additionally, the creator can set the guild’s commission rate between 0 to a maximum of 20%. The guild rate can be increased or decreased. However, it can only be changed once within a 7-day period by a maximum of 1% each time.

To join a guild, individuals need to obtain veVRH by locking VRH. An individual’s mining power in a particular guild is measured by their veVRH balance. All veVRH holders within the guild will obtain the mining weight according to the following formula. The VRH released by mining is calculated according to the weight ratio.

VRH munggaran tiasa didagangkeun dina 16th Aug, 2022 . Cai mibanda total suplai teu dipikanyaho . Nepi ka ayeuna VRH gaduh dimodalan pasar USD ${{marketCap} }.Harga ayeuna VRH nyaeta ${{price} } sarta rengking {{rank}} on Coinmarketcapsarta nembe surged 52.19 persen dina waktu tulisan.

VRH parantos didaptarkeun dina sababaraha séntral crypto, teu sapertos mata uang kripto utama sanés, éta henteu tiasa langsung dipésér ku artos fiats. Sanajan kitu, Anjeun masih bisa kalayan gampang meuli koin ieu ku meuli heula USDT ti mana wae bursa fiat-to-crypto lajeng mindahkeun ka bursa nu nawarkeun dagang koin ieu, dina artikel pituduh ieu kami baris leumpang anjeun ngaliwatan jéntré léngkah meuli VRH .

Lengkah 1: Ngadaptar dina Fiat-to-Crypto Exchange

Anjeun kedah mésér heula salah sahiji mata uang kripto utama, dina hal ieu, USDT ( USDT ). Dina artikel ieu kami bakal ngajalanan anjeun dina detil dua bursa fiat-to-crypto anu paling sering dianggo, Uphold.com sareng Coinbase. Duanana bursa gaduh kawijakan fee sorangan sarta fitur sejenna nu urang bakal ngaliwat di jéntré. Disarankeun anjeun nyobian duanana sareng terangkeun anu paling cocog sareng anjeun.


Cocog jeung padagang AS

Pilih Fiat-to-Crypto Exchange pikeun detil:


Janten salah sahiji séntral fiat-to-crypto anu pang populerna sareng merenah, UpHold gaduh kaunggulan ieu:

  • Gampang mésér sareng dagang diantara sababaraha aset, langkung ti 50 sareng masih nambihan
  • Ayeuna langkung ti 7 juta pangguna sadunya
  • Anjeun tiasa nerapkeun kartu Debit UpHold dimana anjeun tiasa nyéépkeun aset crypto dina akun anjeun sapertos kartu debit biasa! (US wungkul tapi bakal di Inggris engké)
  • Gampang ngagunakeun aplikasi mobile dimana anjeun tiasa mundur dana ka bank atanapi bursa altcoin sanés kalayan gampang
  • Henteu aya biaya disumputkeun sareng biaya akun anu sanés
  • Aya pesenan mésér / ngajual kawates pikeun pangguna anu langkung maju
  • Anjeun tiasa sacara gampil nyetél deposit ngulang pikeun Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) upami anjeun badé nahan cryptos jangka panjang.
  • USDT, anu mangrupikeun salah sahiji stablecoins anu didukung USD anu pang populerna (dasarna mangrupikeun crypto anu dirojong ku artos fiat nyata supados aranjeunna kirang volatile sareng tiasa diolah ampir salaku artos fiat anu dipatok) sayogi, ieu langkung saé upami altcoin anu anjeun badé mésér ngan ukur gaduh pasangan dagang USDT dina bursa altcoin janten anjeun henteu kedah ngaliwat konversi mata uang sanés nalika anjeun mésér altcoin.
Témbongkeun Rincian Léngkah ▾

Ketik email anjeun teras klik 'Salajengna'. Pastikeun anjeun nyayogikeun nami asli anjeun salaku UpHold peryogi éta pikeun verifikasi akun sareng identitas. Pilih kecap akses anu kuat supados akun anjeun henteu rentan ka peretas.


Anjeun bakal nampa hiji email konfirmasi. Buka eta teras klik dina link di jerona. Anjeun teras bakal diwajibkeun nyayogikeun nomer sélulér anu sah pikeun nyetél auténtikasi dua faktor (2FA), éta mangrupikeun lapisan tambahan pikeun kaamanan akun anjeun sareng disarankeun pisan yén anjeun tetep ngaktipkeun fitur ieu.


Turutan léngkah salajengna pikeun ngabéréskeun verifikasi idéntitas anjeun. Léngkah-léngkah ieu rada pikasieuneun khususna nalika anjeun ngantosan mésér aset tapi sapertos lembaga keuangan sanés, UpHold diatur di kalolobaan nagara sapertos AS, Inggris sareng EU. Anjeun tiasa nyandak ieu salaku trade-off pikeun ngagunakeun platform anu dipercaya pikeun ngagaleuh crypto munggaran anjeun. Warta anu saé nyaéta yén sadayana anu disebut prosés Know-Your-Customers (KYC) ayeuna otomatis otomatis sareng teu kedah langkung ti 15 menit kanggo réngsé.

Lengkah 2: Mésér USDT nganggo artos fiat


Sakali anjeun réngsé prosés KYC. Anjeun bakal dipenta pikeun nambahkeun hiji metode pamayaran. Di dieu anjeun tiasa milih pikeun masihan kiridit / kartu debit atanapi nganggo transfer bank. Anjeun tiasa ditagihkeun biaya anu langkung ageung gumantung kana perusahaan kartu kiridit anjeun sareng harga anu teu stabil nalika nganggo kartu tapi anjeun ogé bakal mésér instan. Nalika transfer bank bakal langkung mirah tapi langkung laun, gumantung kana nagara tempat anjeun, sababaraha nagara bakal nawiskeun deposit tunai instan kalayan biaya anu murah.


Ayeuna anjeun parantos siap, dina layar 'Transaksi' dina widang 'Ti', pilih mata uang fiat anjeun, teras dina widang 'Ka' pilih USDT , klik sawangan pikeun marios transaksi anjeun sareng klik konfirmasi upami sadayana katingali saé. .. jeung congrats! Anjeun nembé ngagaleuh crypto munggaran anjeun.

Lengkah 3: Mindahkeun USDT ka Altcoin Exchange

Tapi kami henteu acan rengse, saprak VRH mangrupa altcoin kami kudu mindahkeun USDT urang ka bursa nu VRH bisa traded. Di handap ieu daptar bursa nu nawarkeun dagang VRH di sagala rupa pasangan pasar, sirah kana situs web maranéhanana sarta ngadaptarkeun hiji akun.

Saatos réngsé anjeun teras kedah deposit USDT kana bursa tina Tetep . Saatos deposit dikonfirmasi, anjeun tiasa mésér VRH tina tampilan bursa.

Market Pair

Lengkah Panungtungan: Simpen VRH aman dina dompét hardware

Ledger Nano S

Ledger Nano S

  • Easy to set up and friendly interface
  • Can be used on desktops and laptops
  • Lightweight and Portable
  • Support most blockchains and wide range of (ERC-20/BEP-20) tokens
  • Multiple languages available
  • Built by a well-established company found in 2014 with great chip security
  • Affordable price
Ledger Nano X

Ledger Nano X

  • More powerful secure element chip (ST33) than Ledger Nano S
  • Can be used on desktop or laptop, or even smartphone and tablet through Bluetooth integration
  • Lightweight and Portable with built-in rechargeable battery
  • Larger screen
  • More storage space than Ledger Nano S
  • Support most blockchains and wide range of (ERC-20/BEP-20) tokens
  • Multiple languages available
  • Built by a well-established company found in 2014 with great chip security
  • Affordable price

Upami anjeun ngarencanakeun pikeun ngajaga ("hodl" sakumaha anu diucapkeun ku sababaraha urang, dasarna salah ejaan "tahan" anu dipopulerkeun kana waktosna) VRH anjeun kanggo waktos anu lumayan, anjeun panginten hoyong ngajalajah cara ngajaga éta aman, sanaos Binance mangrupikeun salah sahiji bursa cryptocurrency safest aya kungsi hacking insiden jeung dana anu leungit. Kusabab sifat dompét anu aya dina bursa, aranjeunna bakal salawasna online ("Dompet Panas" sapertos anu kami sebut), ku kituna ngungkabkeun sababaraha aspék kerentanan. Cara anu paling aman pikeun nyimpen koin anjeun dugi ka ayeuna nyaéta nempatkeun kana jinis "Dompet Tiis", dimana dompétna ngan ukur gaduh aksés kana blockchain (atanapi ngan saukur "online") nalika anjeun ngirim dana, ngirangan kamungkinan kajadian Hacking. Dompét kertas mangrupikeun jinis dompét tiis gratis, dasarna mangrupikeun pasangan alamat umum sareng pribadi anu didamel offline sareng anjeun bakal nyerat dimana waé, sareng tetep aman. Nanging, éta henteu awét sareng rentan ka sagala rupa bahaya.

Dompét hardware di dieu pasti mangrupikeun pilihan anu langkung saé tina dompet tiis. Biasana mangrupikeun alat anu diaktipkeun USB anu nyimpen inpormasi konci dompét anjeun dina cara anu langkung awét. Éta diwangun ku kaamanan tingkat militér sareng firmware na terus dijaga ku produsénna sahingga aman pisan. Ledger Nano S sareng Ledger Nano X sareng mangrupikeun pilihan anu paling populér dina kategori ieu, dompét ieu hargana sakitar $50 dugi ka $100 gumantung kana fitur anu ditawarkeunana. Upami anjeun gaduh aset anjeun, dompét ieu mangrupikeun investasi anu saé dina pendapat kami.

Patarosan remen naroskeun

Dupi abdi tiasa mésér VRH kalawan tunai?

Henteu aya jalan langsung pikeun mésér VRH kalayan kontan. Nanging, anjeun tiasa nganggo pasar sapertos LocalBitcoins mun meuli heula USDT , sarta rengse sesa léngkah ku mindahkeun USDT anjeun ka séntral AltCoin masing-masing.

Bitcoins Lokal nyaéta bursa Bitcoin peer-to-peer. Éta mangrupikeun pasar dimana pangguna tiasa ngagaleuh sareng ngajual Bitcoin ka sareng ti silih. Pamaké, anu disebut padagang, nyiptakeun pariwara kalayan harga sareng metode pamayaran anu aranjeunna hoyong nawiskeun. Anjeun tiasa milih mésér ti anu ngajual ti daérah caket dieu dina platform. mangrupikeun tempat anu saé pikeun mésér Bitcoin nalika anjeun henteu mendakan metode pamayaran anu dipikahoyong di tempat sanés. Tapi harga biasana langkung luhur dina platform ieu sareng anjeun kedah ngalakukeun karajinan anu leres pikeun nyegah scammed.

Naha aya cara gancang pikeun ngagaleuh VRH di Éropa?

Leres, kanyataanna, Éropa mangrupikeun salah sahiji tempat anu paling gampang pikeun mésér cryptos sacara umum. Malah aya bank online anu anjeun ngan saukur tiasa muka rekening sareng nransferkeun artos ka bursa sapertos Coinbase sareng Uphold.

Naha aya platform alternatif pikeun mésér VRH atanapi Bitcoin nganggo kartu kiridit?

Sumuhun. ogé mangrupikeun platform anu gampang pisan dianggo pikeun mésér Bitcoin nganggo kartu kiridit. Ieu mangrupikeun bursa cryptocurrency instan anu ngamungkinkeun anjeun tukeur crypto gancang sareng ngagaleuhna nganggo kartu bank. Antarbeungeut panggunana gampang pisan dianggo sareng léngkah-léngkah pameseran cukup jelas.

Baca langkung seueur ngeunaan dasar Versailles Heroes sareng harga ayeuna di dieu.